QÜNELL is a progressive company
Hello, my name is Timofey Luchenok, I have been the operational owner of the company “Liderstroygrad”, which has been producing Qunell decorative retracting system in Belarus since 2014.
The problem of finishing slopes is relevant for many. The existing traditional versions have a number of disadvantages: cracks and peeling paint, mold, peeling and deformation of plastic parts. When finishing a window or doorway with a decorative Qunell slope system, you will receive a quality product for many years of operation and forget about these problems.
Qunell success components:
- – the use of high-quality raw materials;
- – modern production in the center of Europe;
- – professional team;
- – honest partnerships;
- – continuous business development.
Our mission: to create easy-to-install, practical to use, correct sloping systems for windows and doors. The perfect product, people need, bringing beauty and comfort to their homes.
The goal of the company is to become the leading manufacturer of the highest quality ready-to-use system. We will be glad to see you among our customers and partners.